Avancer avec nous
Notre concept de leadership est basé sur nos valeurs fondamentales et commerciales, mais aussi sur nos idées pour faire croître l'entreprise en faisant grandir nos collaborateurs. Nous croyons que les réalisations devraient être liées à des objectifs et comportements mesurables, les deux étant tout aussi importants.
Le leadership chez Alfa Laval consiste à stimuler, motiver et inspirer les collaborateurs par un engagement émotionnel. Un manager d'Alfa Laval tient ses promesses et montre l’exemple. En tant que manager, votre défi et votre responsabilité vous appellent à vous gérer et à donner le meilleur de vous-même, de vos collaborateurs, de l'équipe et de l'entreprise.
Rencontrer certains de nos leaders
Amandine Baratier
Customer Care Manager
Employée depuis
Pourquoi avoir choisi Alfa Laval ?
Alfa Laval me promettait ouverture internationale, multiculturalité, management à la suédoise et innovation technique. On m’a rapidement fait confiance en tant que manager et toutes ces promesses ont été tenues : voilà pourquoi je suis restée !
Quel leader es-tu ?
J’aime vivre le quotidien avec mes équipes. Je suis engagée et je privilégie la proximité. En quelques mots : Accompagnement, Engagement et Walk the talk – Voilà le leader que je m’applique à être au quotidien.
Qu’est-ce qui te rend heureuse ?
Voir mon équipe avancer et construire là-dessus en déclinant nos propres objectifs et en les atteignant ensemble.
Où vois-tu Alfa Laval dans 10 ans ?
Alfa Laval innove en permanence : l’interactivité et la connectivité feront partie des avancées de demain. Par ailleurs, je pense qu’on se dirigera vers des solutions encore plus green et durable.
Guillaume Ravix
Team Leader Duroshell, BU Welded Heat Exchanger
Employé depuis
Pourquoi avoir choisi Alfa Laval ?
Je partage et me reconnaît dans les valeurs d’Alfa Laval, voilà une des raisons qui m’ont donné envie de m’investir dans cette entreprise !
Quel leader es-tu ?
Pour moi, l’important est de partager un esprit d’équipe et de développer un bon relationnel avec l’ensemble des collaborateurs. La communication est primordiale.
Qu'est-ce qui te rend heureux ?
L’aspect relationnel est une des valeurs qui ressort de l’entreprise. La qualité des échanges motive et apporte du dynamisme.
Où vois-tu Alfa Laval dans 10 ans ?
Depuis de nombreuses années, Alfa Laval n’a cessé d’évoluer. Cette amélioration s’est faite sur les conditions de travail, notamment sur l’aspect sécurité et techniques. J’espère qu’Alfa Laval continuera sa politique d’amélioration continue tout en conservant le côté humain, qui est une des valeurs fortes de l’entreprise.
Nish Patel
President Food & Water Division
Employed since
Why Alfa Laval?
Because I enjoy my work! It has giving me numerous different opportunities both locally and globally. I like the culture in Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval is successful and market leader in areas it operates.
You as a leader
I am a people person setting clear direction to the organization and work as a team. I give empowerment to my people but also demand results and building of a performing organization.
What makes you happy?
From work point of view when the company being successful, meeting people across different levels in our organization as well as meeting customers.
Where is Alfa Laval in 10 years?
Much larger organization, at least same growth as the last 10 years.
Thomas Møller
Head of Business Unit Decanters
Employed since
Why Alfa Laval?
It is a great company with a long history, where innovation and values like customer first, teamwork and action are setting the scene.
You as a leader
I am striving to outperform competition, through strong teamwork and where people grow as individuals.
What makes you happy?
When people and teams successfully reach challenging milestones and see the sparkle in their eyes when it happens.
Where is Alfa Laval in 10 years?
If you know, please tell me, I am very curious :-) I strongly believe we are market leader in the areas we have chosen to be in and that we proudly can look back on what we have contributed with in terms of creating a more sustainable world.
Penny Peng
Parts & Service Division Manager
Alfa Laval China
Employed since
Why Alfa Laval?
I enjoy working with the energetic teams, both in Marine and then in Service. I am also proud of being a member of Alfa Laval China who witnesses and acts as a part in the rapid growing China economy.
You as a leader
I prefer a non-hierarchy management that the manager doesn’t block the flow of information for the need of control. I believe that a manager should look at persons’ potential and give them a good space of growth.
What makes you happy?
Facing the challenges, we work together and achieve success. We share the happiness of success.
Where is Alfa Laval in 10 years?
I hope that Alfa Laval is a company that can keep its good history and value, improve the customer interaction continuously, focus on key advanced technologies with more attention and investment on the Service organization. I hope that Alfa Laval always has positive energy and impact, both to our customers and to our own employees.
Jo Vanhoren
Cluster President
North America
Employed since
Why Alfa Laval?
Alfa Laval has always given me the possibility to grow and challenge myself so I never felt a need to look outside.
I like the people the culture and the network and I am proud on the brand.
Especially the recent new direction fits very much with the way I see Alfa Laval in the future and I want to be part of that!
You as a leader
I get my energy from the people I work with and in return use my energy to energize the people. It think it is a kind of chain reaction.
My task is to enable people to take the next steps and make them trying new things, It is my role to help them by creating the room and possibilities.
When things are not going as it should I try to find in every problem an opportunity , this makes it more easy and fun for all of us!
What makes you happy?
A team which is recognized for making the difference , that is my greatest satisfaction! Further I enjoy meeting people and different cultures.
Where is Alfa Laval in 10 years?
In 10 years from now our customers will look forward to interact with Alfa Laval during every step of the sales cycle. Customers will recognize us for our great professionalism and share our passion for our products.